Thursday 4 October 2012

Age Classification

A G E  C E R T I F I C A T E S

The BBFC stands for 'British Board of Film classification'.
this organisation is responsible for national film censorship in the UK.
This is important for the film industry as age certificates determine if the film is suitable for the right audience so younger audiences aren't exposed to material not designed for there age group.

The different age certificates are as follows:

  • Universal - suitible for all
  • PG - parental guidance required if person is under 12
  • 12A - If the person is under 12 must be accompanied by someone over 12
  • 12 - must be over 12 to veiw
  • 15 - must be over 15 to veiw
  • 18 - must be over 18 to view
  • Restricted 18 - only sold in licensed adult cinema or sex shop.

Most Disney films are 'U' films, This is because there is little violence and noting unsuitable for children.
Example of a 'U' Disney film

Example of a 'PG'

PG films require children to watch this film with an adult as some scenes may be unsuitable for children and feature mild language or fantasy violence. 

The Hunger Games Is a 12A
The 12A film category was created in 2002 because of a spiderman film, this was because violence was too explicit and would have had to have been a 15 but because spiderman is based on a comic, universal studios decided to make the 12A category meaning younger children could view this film as-long as they were with someone over 12. Hunger games is a 12A because although the mild violence might scare a very young audience some under 12s, may be interested in the book and plot of this film so would be able to view this film as-long as they were with someone over 12 to be responsible incase they get scared.
Mean Girls is Rated 12

To view a 12 film the person must be over 12 to view if as some language and drug references may be used as well as mild violence that's unsuitable for a younger audience. Mean girls is rated 12 because a younger audience wouldn't understand certain things, and also alcohol, mild violence and some mild language is used in the film there fore 12 + is the correct age group to view this film.

The inbetweeners movie '15'

The 15 certificate is for people over 15, this is because films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, frequent strong language. and some sex references. This is limited however unless the film is an 18 certificate. This category has no limits on the amount of language used sex references and drugs may be featured frequently  Restricted 18 applies to pornographic films that are ever rented or shown in adult licensed cinemas. This certificate of film happens to be the most used of all the classifications. The inbetweeners movie is a 15 because although there are strong sexual references and language, most teenagers would have watched the film so in order for the film to be a success in the cinemas.
Trainspotting is an 18

For my thriller film I would choose the certificate 15, this keeps open the possibilities to make the opening violent and thrill an audience but does not limit the amount of people who can view it too much. Trainspotting is not for the faint hearted so contain alot of sex and drug use. This film has to be an 18 and an older teenage audience would be their target.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the purpose of having film certificates in the film industry and you have also started to consider some films too

    To make your post more detailed you need to give more reasons to explain why certain films belong to that category by considering the characters, plots, narratives.
