Thursday 11 October 2012

Group Narrative

Sumbal's Idea:

Idea for a Narrative
The film with begin with a person with a young man who's identity would be hidden. A young man would walk in a room wearing a hood the hood would create a shadow on his face. This will make it unable for the audience to see the young man's face. The young man would walk into a big room dragging a bag inside the room. As he walks into the room. I will use a pan shot. Where i will pan the entire room. The room would have red spotlights.I will use low key lighting. the room will give a very scary feeling as i would be using red spotlights to give the room a feeling of fear. The colour red would represent blood. In the room there would be kids boys and girls sitting quietly in the corner weeping silently. 


The room would have toys that have a very scary look. A big clown  in one corner of the room. In another corner there would be a missed up barbie doll. The eyes of the barbie are taken out and the hair is messed up. On the shelves the audience will see musical toys. An alarm clock that strikes 12 and a broken bird comes out. It keeps out 12 times to create affect. The young man comes inside with a bag he opens the bag up and there is a  little girl that comes out, The little girl is wearing a dress and has two pigtails. She is clutching onto a necklace. Her head is down. The young man pushes the little girl and gives one of the security guys a hand gesture. The security guy then takes the little girl  and ties her up with the others. The young man then shuts the door behind him and the opening ends there. As soon as the door closes , the shot is changed to 3 hours earlier which will show hoe the little girl ended up there.


The young man : The young man's identity would be hidden. He isn't given a name in my opening film. The young man will be dressed in all black and will also be wearing a hood we wouldn't be able to see his face. The hood will create a shadow on the young man's face which will create a scary look.

The little girl : The little girl would be showed weak and vulnerable. Able to stand up for herself. The little girl needs to be shown small compared to the young man. The girl will be wearing a white dress which will show that she is innocent and pure. She would be clutching to a necklace which would show her fearful state. She would have tears running down her face but she wouldn't make a sound and would try not to make any sound.

The advantages of this idea:
  • it would be apparent to the audience that the film is supposed to be a thriller film
  • conventional to thriller films
  • location and iconography may be hard to find

Beckie's Idea:

My film would be the beginning sequence of the thriller film.
It would start in a dark, dirty room, with nothing in it but a chair, which a young female would be tied to. The windows would be boarded up and there would be one dim lamp near her, so the audience could see the character, but not too clearly. The floorboards would be dark, stained wood. It would be instantly apparent to the audience that the character is in danger as she would be crying and her mouth would be tied up. She'd also have a trickle of blood running down her cheek from her forehead.
A man would then walk in, but his identity would be kept hidden and he's be carrying a knife. She would keep quiet and look away from him as she doesn't want to know what he's about to do. I picked an empty, seemingly abandoned room because it is conventional to a thriller film, because it created an enigma, suspense and tension and these are all things that would be good to include in my own thriller.

The rest of the feature film would include this character's life in this house, she'd never be allowed to leave. The man would be convinced that she is his wife, and she would be forced to act as such and would be locked in the empty room and punished when she disobeyed him. She'd also be put locked in the room when he leaves the house, to prevent her from escaping. The film would end with a fight between the male and female, and the audience would knot know whether he killed her or not.

The advantages of this idea:

  • simple location
  • easy to obtain iconography
  • conventional to thriller films

  • could be hard to find an abandoned place with boarded up windows

My Own Idea For a Narrative

Film openings are vitally important as it sets the scene for the whole of the film.  My narrative would begin in a dark forest in the early evening a woman would be seen running towards the camera frantically, her clothes would be ripped and she would look dirty and tear stains and blood would be visible on her face. 2 gun shots would be heard in the background of the forest and the woman's reaction would be to run faster and shriek loudly. She would then start to slow down so she was creeping around a tree trying not to be seen or heard, (this would fit the conventions of a thriller as it would create suspense and foreboding) she would look lost and helpless then suddenly as she steps out from behind the tree a mans gloved hand closes over he mouth she screams and struggles and the man whispers words to her suddenly she passes out and is dragged through the forest.

The sort of forest i would like my film
to be set in. Over powering trees, eerie feel.
The rest of the film feature would include the story on the mans psychological ways and the woman's story on how she ended up a prisoner. There would be a dark cabin featured in the film that would have low key lighting to hide his identity and make the scenes seem more dark grimy and mysterious. I would use high key lighting for flash backs and memories that would play-out through-out the film as the audience is informed of the story. The enigma of the film would me the mystery of the woman's stalker keeping her captive and if/how will she get out.

The advantages of this idea:
  • easy location, no complications
  • conventional to thriller films
  • it would be hard to put across the plot to the audience

Final Group Narrative

As a group we decided to merge all 3 ideas together for our group narrative. This will incorporate many of our ideas in one opening scene. A young female would be pictured in a dark, abandoned room inside a house in the forest. she will then escape through the window and begins to run thought the forest. Theres flashbacks of her again running through the forest and her still tied up in the room. For a while she is alone, this makes the audience fall into a false sense of security. But out of no where a man catches her, which solves the enigma of why she is in the room at the beginning of the scene. In the room, she is tied up, crying, her clothes ripped and bloody. She looks scared and disheveled, which would make the audience feel sympathy for the character. The man who earlier caught her walks in, wearing a hood that hides his identity (which creates another enigma) with a knife and towards the victim. Then the screen fades to back.

Our narrative fits in with the conventions of a thriller film conventions and can be referred back to film theorist  Vladimir Propp. He states that in every film there always has to be set rules such as the princess, (the weak female who is being saved) the villain (evil killer) and hero (strong man, heroic ect). In our film we will be using a weak female captive and then a mysterious and evil male villain. This will give the impression of who has the power in our film and make it conventional. 

Our narrative builds up a relationship with our target audience in a number of ways. One being that the younger side of the audience would maybe feel more empathy to the young girl being captured and also the audience would feel foreboding and know that the man capturing the girl is sick and twisted. Hopefully our narrative will be effective for the audience and they will be deeply effected by the events on screen and make the thriller more of a success.

1 comment:

  1. This post shows some understanding of why group discussions are essential to carry out, especially when you are considering your narrative.

    To make this post more detailed you need to consider the following points within your group narrative:

    1) the representation of your characters
    2) the codes and conventions of a thriller and how your narrative idea is conventional
    3) a discussion to explain how your narrative builds a relationship with your target audience
