Thursday 18 October 2012


As a group we gathered research and asked a diverse group of people a variety of questions from our questionaire.  We asked male and females aged 12 to 18, which is the key age group that mostly watch thriller films. We found everyone we asked had some idea of what a thriller film was and various conventions they enjoy from thriller films. This insured our results would be accurate, By using a questionnaire we got a wide and diverse range of peoples opinion.

Most people preferred to watch the age group certificate 18, films with this classification are generally the most scary gory and horrific horror films. This pattern of results is accurate, as the second most popular classification was the 15 genre, then finally with the least amount of people choosing the 12.
This shows that for most people there favorite genre of thriller film is the 18, because it has no limits to horror and can create the most suspense and keep the audience scared and thrilled throughout.

Our vox pops were a success because it allowed us to get deeper answers from a more varied audience. We could refer back to our vox pops when writing and planning our narrative to make sure we were including elements that an audience would enjoy.

Another question that we asked was 'What characters do you expect to see in thrillers?' We asked this question because we wanted to know what kind of characters we should include in our thriller to make it the most successful. The results sow that 15 people would expect to see a male villain and only 3 would like to see a female victim. By looking at this, we realised that to keep to the conventions that the majority of people want, so we decided to make our villain a male character. The results also show that 13 people would expect to see a female victim, 8 would expect to see a child victim and only one person would expect to see a male victim. By looking at this we decided to incorporate the conventions of both female and children victims by making our female victim very young, around the age of 15.

By looking at and analysing these questions, it has greatly helped my group to plan our thriller film. Because we now know what our target audience would expect to see and would like to see from our thriller, we are able to include all the things that would make our audience enjoy the film. It has also helped us make decisions about the conventions and characters and sounds that we should incorporate into our thriller.

The only thing we had to reconsider was the age certificate of our thriller. Our research shows that our target audience would prefer thriller's with an age certificate of 18, but we wanted our thriller to be a 15. So we then decided to keep the decision to make the thriller a 15, but to make the conventions as close to those of an 18 rated film as we can, so as to keep the audience entertained throughout the film.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of the primary research that you carried out. You have evaluated your results well and you have also considered some of the data you received, however, this needs to be adapted in more detail.
