Friday 5 October 2012

What is a Thriller Film

Main Codes And Conventions Of A Thriller Film

The main codes and conventions of a thriller film are are as follows. An enigma is a feature of all thriller films and is basically a mystery. An example of this could be who is the killer in the film?
and the audience continues watching to find out the mysteries set up in the film. Music and sounds is also a convention, this includes natural sounds such as breathing and water. Non natural sounds the sounds of guns knifes and screaming. Some of these sounds could be both non diegetic and diegetic.
Iconography is also a key convention. This means the props used such as knifes chains and any time of weapon. Lighting both low key and high key is used, low key lighting can be used for audience manipulation as when the scene is pitch black and the killers non diegetic sound can be heard the audience is in suspense and cannot tell what is going on. High key lightening can be used to show a happy scene or a fond memory, the scene is very visible with no shadows present. Sometimes this is used in the opposite way such as in the 'saw 1' scene when both victims find themselves in blinding light this is not a happy scene and can also create dramatic irony as the audience could know the where abouts of a killer where as the victims in the scene wouldn't know. Good v's Evil is a common convention also as the killer is in the wrong and trying to kill the innocent for example a young innocent woman. Setting and narrative of a thriller is usually a dark unknown location in which the characters are not familiar with. audience manipulation is another key mentioned earlier, this also includes evil child sadistic killers and mirrors that show evil. this goes against reality and mucks up the audiences head. Escapism is a strong convention as-well as in the narrative the characters are trying to escape from there own killer. The 3 S's are used alot in horror films. These are shock, surprise and suspense. All good thrillers use this and impresses audiences and keep them on the edge of there seat in suspense and terror.

The opening sequence defines thriller as a genre because of the enigma that is present of a mystery and the non digetic sounds that are being heard from the pitch black darkness. Low key lightning is suddenly killed by high key lighting to reveal a rank and gloomy abandoned bathroom. Sound effects include the natural sounds of water used in a eerie effect that then fade to frightening man-made sounds of chains and gun. Fitting with the thriller conventions, saw 1 has a strong sense of escapism and effects such as slow editing to highlight a victims blood and gun draw in an audience and build suspense.
However interestingly some conventions of a thriller are not being followed, such as the classic weak female victim who is not present in this opening. Usually high key lighting in a thriller is used for a happy scene or memory but quite the opposite in this film, high key lightening is used to blind the victims and show how gloomy and awful the room there being held in is.

Micro editing techniques are also featured. this includes the spinning camera edit effect which helps create confusing and empathy between the audience and the victim and install the enigma by how horrific the victim has been murdered, and why hes there. further conventions have also been followed as the killer is no where to be scene and the whole plot and setting seems alien and weird for the characters to be in.

This opening has inspired me in my own thriller film, as it shows how simple effects can go along side what your trying to make the audience feel and if they can relate to the situation the victim is in. The cold thrilling opening builds tension and suspense for the audience, something I hope to achieve with my own thriller opening.

The opening sequence is disturbing and horrific. Conventions of a thriller film are cleverly used, to maximize the suspense and draw in an audience in a subtle yet effective way. The clip shows a man performing various distasteful tasks that show the characters psychopathic nature. Slow editing is used with natural non digentic sounds playing throughout that build up and get louder to co inside with the tension and suspense building from the audience. The camera shots are zoomed right in onto the objects and low key creepy lighting highlights the items and hands of the man to be dirty and disgusting  This shocks an audience and makes them wonder what is happening on screen and what the plot could be, furthermore the enigma convention of mystery is being shown as the audience have no idea what is going on and why. Shots from the camera seem flickery and historical making it seem old, dated and forbidden like as an audience were not allowed to see this abandoned clip. The flashing shots make the audience feel a sense of foreboding and as the camera jumps so does the audience. Over all the film opening entices an audience with great effect and creates a creepy and disturbing opening to a film that an audience would be compelled to watch.

The target audience of thriller films ranges from young teenagers to young adults. Typically these people find thriller films most entertaining as they enjoy the suspense and being scared by the jumpy scenes. Therefore its important for thrillers to have the right conventions and age certificate in order for all age groups the film aimed at to be able to watch the film.

In my own thriller film I would like to have an enigmatic opening which will leave the mystery unawnsered so my target audience is hooked into the plot of the film. I will make sure that I use questionnaires to determine what the general public enjoy in there thriller films, so I can make it specific for that audience.
I will use the above conventions such as micro editing to make my film jumpy so my audience isn't bored. Also non diegetic sounds will build tension throughout my opening scene then the iconography I use will have to be grimy and disgusting so my audience is taken aback and gets a sense of foreboding.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of thriller codes and conventions shows some understanding of how the conventions are used within opening sequences. You have defined the main points but you still need to include the remaining points from the lesson. Refer back to the lesson to support you
