Thursday 11 October 2012

Individual Narrative

My Own Idea For a Narrative

Film openings are vitally important as it sets the scene for the whole of the film.  My narrative would begin in a dark forest in the early evening a woman would be seen running towards the camera frantically, her clothes would be ripped and she would look dirty and tear stains and blood would be visible on her face. 2 gun shots would be heard in the background of the forest and the woman's reaction would be to run faster and shriek loudly. She would then start to slow down so she was creeping around a tree trying not to be seen or heard, (this would fit the conventions of a thriller as it would create suspense and foreboding) she would look lost and helpless then suddenly as she steps out from behind the tree a mans gloved hand closes over he mouth she screams and struggles and the man whispers words to her suddenly she passes out and is dragged through the forest.

The sort of forest i would like my film
to be set in. Over powering trees, eerie feel.
The rest of the film feature would include the story on the mans phycological ways and the woman's story on how she ended up a prisoner. There would be a dark cabin featured in the film that would have low key lighting to hide his identity and make the scenes seem more dark grimy and mysterious. I would use high key lighting for flash backs and memories that would play-out through-out the film as the audience is informed of the story. The enigma of the film would me the mystery of the woman's stalker keeping her captive and if/how will she get out.

Film Inspiration.

Many micro elements from various thriller films have inspired me, but 2 in particular stand out and relate to the opening sequence of my planned thriller. Inglorious basterds, the scene in which the young jewish girl has ran out of hiding with her family members from the nazis. she is covered in blood and is being shot at. her family have all died and she is running frantically for her life.

Although this is not the best quality clip, you can see how far the camera pans in on the girl, when you first see her if you hadn't seen the rest of the film you wouldn't know why the woman is running, then as you zoom in you can clearly seen her pain and anguish she is feeling. This creates great empathy from the audience and builds suspense, this being the sort of film i would like my audience to get from the thriller film.

Another big inspiration to me is the scene in trapped. in particular, the scene where the girl is being taken away by intruders. This scene to be is great as it displays raw emotion and cleverly expresses her anger, frustration and pure terror as the men take this woman away. I could even include maybe a phone call or some sort of non diegetic sound to be played over the scene when the woman is being taken away.

 The phone scene in this film is the sort of non diegetic sound id like to include. It features amazingly effective techniques, such a a 6 second build up before the man who has captured his daughter speaks. Although he says just 2 words 'good luck' the amount of tension and horror felt my the audience is vast.  This grabs the audiences attention and feels for the man on the phone and wants him to get his daughter back to safety. This idea in my own thriller film towards the end of the sequence would grab the audiences attention and make them want to continue watching. it leaves the scene on a cliff hanger and the audience on the edge of there seats, would not be able to turn away.

Low key lighting in my opening scene will be convent characarisation ional of a thriller film, and the grimy iconography used and weapons in the background will make the audience feel scared which will set the scene for the rest of the film. Following Aristotle's theory of the audience will feel empathy for the young girl trapped and be instantly scared of the dark sick minded villain who is planning to kill her.

The stronger the relationship with the character will give the film more impact on the audience, foreboding will make the audience edgy and expecting the unexpected. This will make my thriller film more successful.

1 comment:

  1. Your individual narrative demonstrates a good understanding of what you visualize your narrative to include and your film inspirations also help to demonstrate your understanding well.

    To make this post more detailed you need to consider the following:

    1) the representation of your characters
    2) the codes and conventions of a thriller and how your narrative idea is conventional
    3) a discussion to explain how your narrative builds a relationship with your target audience
