Monday 1 October 2012

Mise-En-Scene of Prom Night

Mise-en-scene means everything in the scene. This is a french term and used to define everything going on on set this includes the five elements:
settings and iconography (location and set and props), costume, hair and makeup which shows an indication of character and time frame. Facial expressions and body language, lighting and colour and also positioning of characters and objects.

In prom night varies techniques of mise-en-scene was used. The setting for the scene we studied was in a ball room, this gave the impression of a calm relaxed and enjoyable environment. The audience would not expect danger or chaos, this gives the audience a false impression as the plot unfolds. 

Iconography in this clip was varied and created allot of emotional impact on the characters. The results sheet stating who was going to be crowned prom king and queen was about to be opened when the alarm went off, and everyone was desperate and anxious to know who would be king and queen one girl even grabs the envelope and when she finds she isn't the winner breaks down in tears. This shows how simple iconography can dictate how characters feel and shows there personality to the audience as being shallow. on the opposite end of the scale, a knife was also used by a man threatening a young woman in the hotel room scene, this knife caused terror and instanlty made the man a threat in the audiences eyes and became more powerful and a key character in the scene.

Costumes used in this scene were very formal. Prom suits were largely worn and again in prom suits and dresses do not go with action and panic so suprise the audience. The girl in the scene is fighting for her life and still wearing her prom dress! this shows the suprise of the attack and the spontaneous way in which the plot is unfolding.

The positioning of the characters was very varied in parts of the clip. Panic spread the characters out and compacted many during the scene where the teenagers were asked to leave the hotel. Also the woman trapped in the hotel room was featured on many different levels including the floor and behind the door. This makes the woman seem weak and fearful as she is hiding from the killer in a cat-and-mouse chase style.

The lighting in this clip is low key and serious.  shadows and light vary particularly in the fight scene where the conventions of a thriller film are followed by dark moody lighting that shows mystery and fear. Flashing white is also a feature when the killer arrives this makes the audience feel like theres going to danger and to be scared of the murderer. It also hides his identity and creates more mystery as to who and what the killer is and his motives, how ever the face is then revealed which is unconventual to a thriller film.

The facial expressions at the being show shock and grief as not only has prom been postponed but friends of the characters are missing. This fits in with the conventions of a thriller and makes the audience feel tense and interested as to what will happen next. Make up and hair is a key feature at the start of the film as all the girls are dressed up for prom, but by the end of the clip the girl in the bedroom is seen with mascara running down her face as she is crying. This shows how prom has been ruined and that she doesn't care for her appearance now her life is at stake.

To conclude mise-en-scene includes many factors of the film and is allot to take in. It also varies greatly throughout this clip and is allot to take in and review. 

The target audience of the film would probably be 14-20 year olds. This is because this age group can relate to the plot and also be more enticed and interesting in whats going on. The film is jumpy and thrilling but also not to horrific or scary so can appeal to a wide audience who may like different genres of films.
The Female weak characters promotes sympathy from the audience and they feel scared and worried about her. Also she is very pretty and so the audience (particularly some males) may feel they want to protect her. This gives a strong character audience relationship and makes the films impact more effective. This is a typical convention of a thriller film.


  1. You have made a good start in explaining the purpose of mise-en-scene by referring to detailed examples from the film clip. You have analysed the points well but you also need to consider the positioning of the characters too.

    To make your analysis more detailed you need to consider the role of the target audience and discuss how the characters build a relationship with the audience

  2. The posts that you have included on the target audience helps to show further understanding of how this film would appeal to a specific age group.
