Thursday 8 November 2012

Production Roles

There are a number of roles within any production. These people are responsible for there field, they are skilled and in charge of all tasks within there role.

There are many roles in production both
in front of camera and behind the scenes.
Any genre of production be it, news, comedy, factual or entertainment has a list of roles and jobs for people to perform well in this includes:

Actors - These people are the ones acting within the scene, they will be told what to do my the director and follow his instructions

Camera Operator - This person is filming the scenes and is in charge of the camera and all tasks that relate to the filming. The director will tell the camera operator what shots to do and how to film the scene.

Sound Technician - Sound technicians are required to assemble, operate and maintain the technical equipment used to record, amplify, enhance, mix or reproduce sound. They are given tasks and what sounds to put into the scenes and where.

Editors - This job is very important as they have the responsibility of editing different clips, cutting and putting footage together in order to make the film the best for the audience intended.

Film shooting on location in Downtown Los Angeles
Film Director - A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, while guiding the technical crew and actors.

Location Manager -The location manager is responsible for the finding and securing locations to be used for filming. They are also heavily involved for the production to successfully find the ideal locations for each shoot.

Storyboard Organizer - This person is responsible for organizing the storyboard. This is also important because it determines the plot behind each scene and lets everyone know what the aim of achievement is.

As a group we have decided on roles that would be best suited to our skills. We will work well, and help each other with our tasks so that everyone is doing well in what they are supposed to be doing.

Beckie will be location manager and be responsible for finding locations in which we can film well in. This will be an important role as it will effect our filming. Beckie is taking on this role because she can find good locations and is good at making a final decision.

Sumbal is the Director, this is because she is very organized and will be able to give out tasks well. This is a very important role as she will be able to decide what footage to use and put forward important ideas that will effect our work.

I am taking on the role as camera operator and set designer. This is for a number of reasons, as i have experience with handling cameras and have a good eye for design. I will be in charge of mise-en-scene and iconography. This is important as I will be responsible for everything within the shot to come together well and insure our group has the best footage in which we can all edit.

We will all take part in sound editing and story board organizing. This is so we can all put our ideas across and be completely happy with our final piece.

1 comment:

  1. This post shows a good understanding of production roles and this is because you have considered the main film roles. You have also considered the roles that you will be taking on board too.
