Monday 12 November 2012

Opening Scene Narration

The opening scene to our thriller film will begin with a long shot of a dark, empty room with a teenage girl sitting tied to a chair in middle of the room. She will be gagged and will have mascara stains on her cheek to show that she has been crying for a long period of time. This fits in with the conventions  of a thriller, as the enigma will make the audience ask why she is in that situation. Her hair will be messed up and her clothes dirty and disheveled to show she has been struggling to escape. The room will be dark so low key lighting, with a dim lamp in the corner. The editing technique we will use will be slow editing which will build the suspense.

Next there will be a flashback and this will be shown when the scene changes and to do this, we will use a jump cut. The female will be in the forest, running fast, as if she is running away from somebody. For this shot, we will use an extreme long shot, fitting in with as much of the location as possible to show to the audience, and they will also be able to see her running. At this point, we will include some non diegetic music that will build the tension and suspense. The tension will be built further, as sounds of the victims heart beating and her breathing will be heard. We will then change the shot to a close up when the female looks anxiously over her shoulder at something terrifying behind her. She is breathing heavily and her facial expressions will show that she is terrified and worried. The music at this point will be get slightly louder to build the tension even more and the audience will then begin to hear another set of footsteps along with the victims that were audible in the previous shot.
We will then use another jump cut to show her running again, and then the audience discover just who she is running from. We will use a mid shot to show the male catching up to the young girl and her being overpowered by the male and capture her then dragging her backwards. Then, the flashback ends and the girl is back in the room, tied up, just as she was before. We will use a panning shot to give the audience another look at the room she is imprisoned in. We will also use slow editing to build the suspense and tension which is conventional to a thriller film.

Also we will use a close up shot of the girls legs being dragged away. The of the autumn leaves will contrast with her struggle and show colours her being dragged away struggling in horror.
The scene will change again, and this time, the male victim will be present in the room. For this shot,we will use deep focus, and the male will be in focus in the front of the shot. This will show the audience that he is an important, dominant character. The female will be in the back of the shot, smaller than the male due to the camera angle and she will be out of focus, to show her weakness and his power over her. This will show the man as more powerful and feared. We will use slow editing in this shot to build the suspense. The scene will then change again to a mid shot and the audience will be able to see the young girl sitting, tied to the chair, whilst the antagonist is slowly walking around her. He then stand behind her and slowly drag the knife up to her neck. We will use slow editing to make this last part of the scene very suspenseful and tense. The, when the knife gets to her throat, the screen will fade to black and that is where the scene ends.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the opening sequence to your film and you have also considered the camera shots and editing styles well.

    To make this post more detailed, you also need to include points on your mise-en-scene and how you wish to incorporate it within your film
