Thursday 27 September 2012


Strangers Analysis - Editing

Strangers is a phycological thriller that follows both the scary conventions of a thriller and adds suspense which plays with the audiences mind. This is shown in various scenes at the concluding part of the film when the characters identity is hidden. There terrifying masks hide peoples identity. This would scare any audience and the enigma is who are these people? and what is there true identity? Editing is a key role in any thriller film as it creates suspense and shows teases the audience with what frightening event could be around the corner. Editing builds suspense and tension and thrills the audience as the story unfolds, this makes the film more gripping and enjoyable to watch as it grabs audience and hooks them to watch more.

Watching this clip of Strangers, the first editing technique I noticed was the reaction shot. This occurred when the woman reacts to a strange knock on the door and checks to see if the person has left her door step. This creates suspense and answers the audiences questions as they follow the story-line of the film, the sound featured was a non diegetic sound and could be seen loudly coming from the door which was the focus point of the scene.

This particular shot also creates fear and foreboding as the audience prepare to see the stranger for the first time, and are expected to be shocked and scared but the anticipation of waiting for this reaction builds tension and creates massive suspense.

The next technique used was the linking shot, the evidence for this was a sequence of shots that link to previous events. (the event being the knocking on the door and her being terrified of the strangers presence around her house) This builds a lot of tension and yet more suspense as the audience is coming up with there own conclusions as to where the stranger is and what its purpose of being there is. The audience is pulled in my the story line as it unfolds and is building up tension to the climax which still all relates back to the original door shot.

The third technique in this clip is the jump cut. This occurs when the smoke alarm drops to the floor and a loud noise is simultaneously heard by the audience. This editing technique is identified when the film suddenly focuses on something. this draws the audience in a sort of a false climax as something ordinary like the fire alarm dropping, is suddenly over shadowed by the loud noise heard in response. This creates the illusion that ordinary objects are scary and that the victim involved along side the audience is almost expecting to hear something or be scared.

Overall the editing effects in this clip are advanced and 'make' the film more clever and gripping. Without such edits the scenes would become long and boring and not nearly as tension building. The conventions of  thriller film is to have editing playing a key role in any film. Which effects the viewing experience by making it more intense and scary to watch.I have learned the how important editing is in thriller films. Without these subtle edits, the audience would have a harder time engaging in the films they would not know when to feel tense and scared and control the overall impact the film has an audience.

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  1. You have made a start in analysing the editing styles. You have also identified the correct points, but some of your paragraphs are weak and this is because you have not followed the PEER format in enough detail.

    Read over your paragraphs and ensure that you have followed the correct structure. Finally consider the role of the audience, by discussing their emotions towards the characters and images

  2. This post demonstrates a good improvement and this is because you have considered the role of the audience in a lot more detail, which also helps to support the points that you are making.

    Look back at some of the images that you have included, as they do not show up. Also include the url link too
