Monday 3 December 2012

Planning Sound

Sounds are one of the most important aspects of a thriller film because it helps build tension and gives the audience a sense of foreboding. The sounds generally go along with the narrative of a thriller film and manipulate an audience and show how they should be feeling whether it be happy, sad, scared in suspense ect. Sound can give meaning to a scene, and explain what action cant. This produces emotions and feelings through the atmosphere it creates.

In our thriller Film:

The sounds and soundtrack in our own thriller film 'torment' will have a variety of different conventional sounds. The start of the film will have low and quite which builds up the enigma of our scene. The audience will respond to this by wondering what is going on in the film and the non diegetic sounds will really build tension and suspense so when the plot unfolds the audience will be shocked and scared at the jumpier parts of our thriller. This is conventional to a thriller film because it builds up tension and makes the audience feel emotionally fragile and susceptible to the plot of the film and taken in with the events of the scene.

When the young weak female character is running through the forest the sounds and music will drop dramatically in order to build up to the climax of the scene. This is a good idea, as we can play heavy breathing sounds to portray the characters emotions and make her seem scared this diegetic sound technique is a common feature of thriller films, as it can slowly build up with great effect. The low non diegetic music will be building and building  in order to show that danger will occur then when the man grabs the girl the audience will be shocked and jump. Furthermore, the climax will suddenly drop, creating a scared and frantic mood in which the audience will be on the edge of their seats.

Diegetic sounds will also be a feature in other parts of our thriller film. This is too portray raw emotions and give the audience a real sense of whats going on a make the film seem real and scary. For example, screams and dialogue are suggestive and impact the audience with great effect.

This is common in a thriller film as these conventions really help the audience make sense of the narrative and have a better understanding of whats going on. This also lets the audience feel empathy for the characters, without sounds in a thriller film the scenes will be dull and drab, the manipulation aspect of sounds is really effective and allows the director to create the desired feel for his or her film and lets them completely control how the audience is feeling throughout the film. This is used in all thriller films and we have taken on these conventions in order to make our own thriller a great success.

Preliminary Task

The preliminary task was to make a 30 second/1 minute film clip which used a variety of filming techniques. We filmed 2 members of the group who spoke a short bit of dialogue which we could then edit in order to practice for the real thing. The task was helpful because it allowed us to experiment and get to grips with the filming conventions of a thriller film. We had to make sure our clip would build tension and flow well. we could improve this by using even more techniques and experimenting further.